Thursday, February 1, 2007

Our visit with Dr. Jarrett

Dr. Jarrett was great. Very compassionate and understanding. He pinpointed the problem after a quick ultrasound. He thinks the problem is my polycystic ovaries (pcos). I knew I had them, but my other doctor's explained they were more a symptom than the problem. He said that I produce too much of a male hormone and so I am unable to fully produce the eggs needed for a pregnancy.

He gave me 2 options:
  1. Go straight into the InVitro process.
  2. Take a medication that will help me produce less of the wrong hormone and more of the right one. The first option is the one that I wanted to go with right away...lets get this show on the road! But after he explained the repercussions of not fixing the polycystic ovary (pcos) problem, which could result in a long hospital stay and possibly destroy my ovaries, I had peace about option #2.

He said that after 3 months on the medication, we could do invitro. But we may not need to because there is still a chance of conceiving naturally. Hope!

There are two downsides of taking this medication. The first is that I cannot eat any carbohydrates for 3 months. This will be difficult, but well worth it in the end. I may lose weight, which will be short lived once I get pregnant. The second is that any athletic ability I had, which is very little, may diminish. I guess Dave will have to get used to having an even "slower" running partner.

Anyway, Dave and I truly felt the presence of God yesterday. Everything went really well and we had a true joy in us. We know that the enemy who wants to destroy any hope we had was defeated thanks to your powerful prayers. Thanks also for your continued prayers, I truly covet them and need them. Our first born will know that her/his parents have a great group of friends and family that lifted them up in a very trying time and that she/he is a product of those prayers.

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