Monday, June 9, 2008

Carpenter Bees (part deux)

Well, the carpenter bees are back again behind our garage. My first post about this topic was two years back when they first appeared. Here's what I found out this time around . . .

The State of Illinois Health Department, Division of Environmental Health had some great insight. They shared that the male carpenter bees, the ones that are flying around the back of my garage, can't actually sting. They put up a mean show though!

Here's another site that has some great info, including the names of a few chemicals I could get from the hardware store that have a 30-day residual effect.

The local exterminator, BeeLine, guaranteed that their chemical application would have a 90-day residual effect. I'm guessing that they're using a combination of these products.

This company said we would get 16k square foot of coverage for the liquid and 1 lb of coverage on the powder. It should last us 2-4 years! Hard to pass up . . .

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