Friday, May 2, 2008

Jude's 2-month wellness check-up

"Betrayed! If I only knew my parents were capable of such deceit!" That's what Jude would have said had he been able to speak at his 2-month doctor's appointment.

He got his shots on Tuesday, which was a traumatic experience for all who were involved. Jude didn't sleep but 3 hours Tuesday night, which made Amanda one strung out mommy. As always is the case, she handled it with grace.

Without further ado, here are Jude's charts:

source: The Magic Foundation

You can see from my analysis below that he is coming along quite well.

Jude's percentile rankings:
Length-to-age: 73.47% (60.5 cm / 23.82 in)
Weight-to-age: 39.93% (5.20 kg / 11.46 lbs)
Head Circumference-to-age: 47.77% (40.10 cm / 15.79 in)

Our doctor noted that Jude has a slight case of positional plagiocephaly ("flat head syndrome") due to him being in what I would call an average amount of time in the supine (reclined) position. (To the few friends I have that actually read this blog, I'll share that I was never pre-med, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn express once.)

God love the Internet. After reading up on it a bit, I learned that Dr. Sears and others recommend alternating sleeping position as well as babywearing via a Baby Bjorn, Peanut Shell baby sling or similar device.


Anonymous said...

I was reading this article about the Flat head syndrome. Babies should sleep on their backs but that does preclude them from laying on their tummies while awake and/or at play.Being on their tummies makes their necks stronger because they have to look up to see you and their surroundings. At first lay them on a pillow but as they get stronger the pillow isn't necessary.Their arms will also become stronger because they have to use their arms in the process. There has been a delay neck and arm strength in some babies because they always lay on their backs and seldom on their tummies.

Dave said...

That's actually the same tip our pediatrician gave us. I probably should have posted that as part my original post.

I've tried it a few times . . .he's OK with trying it, but he lets you know when enough is enough!

Thanks mom!