Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Our new year's resolution

It's the start of a new year, and our new year's resolution is to become better at documenting our lives for the benefit of our family and the little one growing in Amanda's belly . . .

And so we've bought a Sony DSC-W80 digital camera, a Canon ZR800 digital video camcorder, and I've started this blog. There are usually just a few sites that I check out when I'm looking for electronics and technology, and one of them is TigerDirect.com. They're reputable, have very competitive prices and a decent return policy.

While I'm on the subject of technology, I'll add that I also recently purchased an LG Rumor LX-260 phone from Sprint. It comes with a 1.3 MP camera. I just might have to add Internet so I can post real-time!

Where was I? Oh, yes! I'm going to try to add a few older posts, cut and pasted from old emails. Going forward, my goal is to post on a weekly basis. Help keep me honest!

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