Friday, February 15, 2008

Baby name sites

There are probably a billion baby name web sites out there. I started with the Social Security Administration's site and then Googled around for some other ones.

There were 2 that I missed that a friend of ours (Summer) told me about today. Scott, you'll love these sites:
  1. Nymbler is a site that allows you to start with up to 6 names ("inspirations")and then explore names they consider similar. From there, you can add names to a favorites list or block them. I have a feeling that the block feature really scores with the soon-to-be-parent teacher crowd.
  2. The Baby Name Voyager brings alive the SSA's database list of popular names. They graph names in a java application that allows you to see the popularity of a baby name over time starting in the 1880s. Very cool.


Anonymous said...

Sweet! I got a shout-out!

Scott and Kristen said...

These are fun sites to play with! Thanks for sharing!
