Saturday, February 23, 2008

The ninth inning!

We're down to the wire now. Amanda hit 8 cm around 3:30 pm and by 5:30 was 10 cm and fetal station +2. At this point, we thought about having Amanda's epidural topped off, but it was too late. We're ready to start pushing!

If I get a chance to, I'll add a video to this post later. Amanda gave me very specific instructions on how to count. "You have to count steady, don't slow down. 1, 2, 3. Hold my head up. You should have watched 'A Baby Story' with me this week, you would have gotten it all." How funny!

Amanda had DVR'ed like 10 episodes at the neighbor's house (Tom & Sue's) while they were on vacation in Florida and watched most of them during her two off days this week.

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